Grant Date: November 2013

Total Program Cost: $ 20,090

ACE Grant: $20,090


ACE funded the installation of WeatherBug, a nation-wide program supported locally by WBZ-TV that offers Andover schools access to data from a network of weather stations across the country. Included in this program is the installation of a professional grade weather station mounted on one of the schools that contributes data to the network. A lifetime site license allows teachers and students from schools at all levels access to the local and network weather data.


The data from the WeatherBug station can be used along with a wide assortment of online activities, investigations, and interactive applications to enhance meteorological instruction for students from kindergarten to high school. This program presents an excellent opportunity for ACE to invest in a resource with the capacity to serve all of our students across the district. The WeatherBug program not only provides a proven resource for gaining a better understanding of weather and climate concepts but also provides students an opportunity to learn and develop fundamental scientific skills including data collection and analysis, graphing, critical thinking and problem solving, all while using real meteorological data in real time.


In all Andover schools