Save the Date!  May 1 to 8

Join the Race for ACE and support education in Andover!  

When:  Anytime between Saturday, May 1 and Saturday, May 8th

What:  Complete YOUR Race for ACE – YOU pick a physical activity that you and/or your family/team will do for 30 minutes.  You can run, walk, hike, bike, dance, skip or jump!  You get the point!  Join the Race for ACE by doing 30 minutes of physical activity!  Tag it on your favorite social media at #raceforace

WHY: This year, more than ever, we need to support our teachers and schools to ensure that we have the necessary resources and tools to educate our kids.  ACE’s sole mission is to support innovative educational initiatives in the Andover Public Schools.  So join your family or form a team and help us generate funds and some fun during the Race for ACE!