Grant Date: March 2011

Total Program Cost: $29,000

ACE Grant: $23,600 (as of March 2011)

This grant funded part of the Open Circle program for all of Andover’s elementary schools. To date, ACE has partnered with the PTOs from BancroftSanbornSouth, and West elementary schools to complete the $29,000 program.


The Andover Public Schools (APS) has identified Open Circle as the social and emotional learning (SEL) program for grades PreK – 5. The goal is to have all elementary teachers, specialists, and administrative staff trained in this approach in 2011.


The school administration acknowledges that academic learning is possible only after social and emotional learning needs are met. Open Circle provides a research-based program and approach to teaching these vital skills.

Once trained, staff will teach children how to communicate using a common vocabulary, manage their emotions, make responsible decisions and use effective strategies to solve problems.

Currently, the Open Circle Program is used in all the elementary Andover Schools. APS has invested in this training but there are still a number of teachers who need to engage in this professional development. By completing additional training, equity and consistency can be achieved and the program will be fully implemented in all elementary schools.

There are no funds in this years’ school budget allocated to begin this training. By providing funds now, APS can move forward to schedule this important training so our staff will be ready to provide a consistent program in September 2011.

Full implementation of Open Circle will also enable APS to meet the Mass. legislated anti-bullying regulations.


By forming partnerships with groups and organizations in Andover, we can help our schools move forward more quickly with this critical effort.

It is the hope that APS will fund the ongoing training expenses of this program in the annual school budget, once the program is fully implemented.

The Andover Coalition for Education (ACE) has pledged to help fund the $29,000 cost to APS so this program will provide equity in all our elementary schools in 2011.


This is a one year project. ACE needs your help to fund this important initiative.

For more information about Open Circle, see their website which describes impacts and outcomes.



*The Open Circle logo used by ACE with permission from Open Circle.