Grant Date: April 2012 ($1,500), March 2013 ($7,900)

Total Program Cost: $9,400

ACE Grant:  $9,400


This grant funded a new hanging system in the Collins Center and the Central Administration building in April 2012. All Andover schools received moveable art walls to accommodate their need for a more versatile art display system in March 2013.


Central Administration Bldg, The Collins Center, and all Andover public schools.


The School Administration established a Fine Arts Task Force this year.  One of its goals is to bring more recognition to the wonderful talent of our students… and to invite the community to enjoy and appreciate their creativity.

“The hanging system will allow student art work to be displayed in a professional manner and will also provide flexibility for the installation,” says Meghan Michaud, Lead Fine Arts Teacher.

According to Nancy Duclos, Asst. Superintendent, the community takes pride in the work of our students and this manner of presentation will enhance that experience.

The plan is to have an art show in the central administration buiding that changes periodically to allow all Andover schools to share the talents of their students with the community.



To view photos of this display please click here.

Read articles about this grant.