Please join us for the AHS Virtual CAPS Showcase on Monday, May 18 and Tuesday, May 19th from 6 to 9 p.m.
We are excited to celebrate this year’s Senior CAPS students and their hard work throughout the year. Because of COVID-19, we have moved this year’s Capstone Showcase to an online platform. Below is the schedule of Panel Talks and links to each session.
On each Showcase night, there will be two sessions running simultaneously per time slot. Throughout both nights, we invite you to join the Panel Talks and to participate in the audience Q&A sessions.
To join a panel talk, please navigate the schedule on the AHS Virtual CAPS website and click on “Enter the Room” for that panel.
In addition to virtual sessions, links will be provided to each student’s academic posters, Research websites, and pre-recorded CAPS TALK on their individual year-long research projects.
Thank you for supporting the AHS Senior CAPStone program!
To learn more about the Virtual CAPS Showcase, please click here.