About Us
ACE partners with the Andover Public Schools to support innovative, curriculum enhancing, system-wide initiatives that will inspire our students to succeed in facing today’s global challenges.
Public schools need support at all levels, from the individual teachers and their classrooms to the school in which they work to the system as a whole.
The ACE fund, a fund of the Essex County Community Foundation, is a volunteer, non-profit organization made up of a broad spectrum of citizens dedicated to enhancing all levels of the Andover Public Schools.
Since our launch in November 2005, ACE grants to the Andover schools have exceeded $1MM.
Granted to the Andover Public Schools.
ACE Initiatives
ACE’s privately-funded initiatives are distinct from the annual school budget and are designed to foster healthy, resourceful adults, productive workers, and responsible citizens.
Working with the Superintendent’s office, the exact features of individual ACE-sponsored programs are determined case by case, year by year. This flexibility allows our schools to respond with vision, creativity and skill to shifting needs and challenges as they arise.
Since its inception, ACE has awarded grants for a wide variety of curriculum enhancing initiatives across all major disciplines and grade levels. In all our grant making we support interdisciplinary programs and innovative, student centered experiences.
Two types of funding
District wide: ACE funds the vast majority of its initiatives at the district or cross-school level. These initiatives are identified through working closely with the Superintendent’s office and are fully vetted and reviewed by the ACE Board.
Teaching Innovation Fund: ACE has newly created a fund to which teachers can apply directly for funding. These initiatives meet ACE’s longstanding criteria of being innovative and curriculum enhancing. Learn more here.
More about ACE
ACE was formed in 2005 by a group of community leaders concerned about the growing gap between the programs that the Andover Public School budget could afford for its students, and the global economy’s demands of those students when they stepped onto the world stage. True innovation and creative global thinking were being routinely sacrificed to meet tighter budgets.
ACE’s privately-funded initiatives are distinct from the annual school budget and are designed to foster healthy, resourceful adults, productive workers, and responsible citizens.
Like the education funds in other towns with historically top tier schools, including Lexington, Newton, Brookline, Wellesley, Belmont and Needham, ACE’s mission is to ensure, through private funding, that imaginative, rigorous enrichment programs remain a priority in Andover schools – regardless of the school budget. This kind of long-term commitment not only distinguishes good schools from exemplary ones – idling from acceleration – it is a requirement in a world that has never before demanded so much from its citizens.

Inspire Our Students to Succeed

ACE is a Field of Interest Fund of the Essex County Community Foundation (MA), a 501(c)(3) charitable organization (Tax ID 04-3407816.) Donations to ACE are tax-deductible.
Contact Us
Andover Coalition for Education
P.O. Box 1521
Andover, MA 01810