On the Same Page

August 2022| Total Granted: $41,465 Overview APS Middle School Library Author Series  The middle school years: the make or break years when it comes to galvanizing a student’s love of literature. There is no better way to excite a young reader than having their...

Andover High + ACE + NuVu = Engineering Success

August 2021| Total Granted: $20,000 Overview When today’s future engineers are tasked to problem solve they have the tools they need to succeed.  Gone are the days of teens using toothpicks to build bridges and calling it engineering. Today Andover’s savvy high...

July 2021 – June 2022

Thank you to our generous ACE Annual Donors. Superintendent’s Circle: $10,000+ Mills Family Charitable Fund Raytheon Technologies   Osgood Sponsor: $2,500+ Anonymous Andrew & Tina Girdwood Hooks & Susan Johnston   Merrimack Club: $1,000+ 34 Park...